Syafaat Dari Kaca Mata Pendeta Za`ba
From: sipekan
To: Pengurus Laman <>
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2011 6:20 AM
Subject: Fw: Syafaat Dari Kaca Mata Pendeta Za`ba
Semasa Pesta Buku di PWTC yg baru-baru ini, saya ada membeli sebuah buku terbitan DBP oleh Pendeta Za'ba yg bertajuk "Habit of Self-Reliance". Sebenarnya buku ini adalah versi yg dialih ke bahasa Inggeris. Tidak silap saya tajuk buku ini dalam Melayu ialah "Perangai Bergantung Pada Diri Sendiri". Saya mencadangkan sahabat-sahabat laman dapat membaca buku ini kerana ianya amat kritikal sekali apabila menyentuh bab sikap Melayu Islam.
Tujuan utama saya mencoretkan sebahagian isu yg disentuh oleh buku ini ialah kerana ianya menyentuh isu "Syafa`at". Pada mukasurat ke-12 ianya menyentuh mengenai syafaat seperti yg dipercayai oleh ASWJ. Apa yg menarik, w/pun Pendeta Za`ba seorang ASWJ, tetapi beliau mempunyai pandangan yg berlainan sedikit drpd kebanyakan ASWJ. Saya quot dari buku tersebut,
"In relation to the syafa`at (intervention) of the Prophet (SAW) it is indeed mentioned in many hadith, but it is clear that it is meant to give hope for those who are no longer able to rely on themselves - those who no longer fall within the category of those who are able to fend for themselves by their own deeds and efforts in this world and therefore they have to rely solely on the help of others.
Such things do happen in the affairs of men in this world; and the same too can be true in the hereafter. In this world there are people who are unable to place reliance on themselves, and then there are those who deliberately seek to become "parasites", relying solely on the bounty and generosity of those who are better able than themselves. But there are genuine cases of people who are really in need of help from those who are able to do so. This is what happens before God on Judgement Day; and the prophet's syafa`at is indeed meant for those who are best qualified to receive it.
But if all Muslims want to be in that position - desiring to gain entry to heaven via the route of the syafa`at and supplication of the Prophet only and not through his own deeds or qualifications - it will embarrass the Prophet to have to ask Allah Almighty for such help for them. For, by having to do so it will mean that the people of his ummah are morally bankrupt, unable to stand on their own merits! Wouldn't it be embarrassing if all or the majority of the Prophet's ummah sought to gain the benefits of Syafa`at, that is, if they all sought free entry not on the basis of their qualification and deeds but merely for being his ummah! God says to them:
'What! Do (you mean) the one who is deserving of punishment? Do you want to save (free) one who is in the fire?' [39:19]
'Orang yang ke atasnya kata azab telah wajar - adakah kamu akan menyelamatkan dia keluar dari Api?' [Bacaan, 39:19]
And He says further:
'Say (O Muhammad): to Allah alone belongs all intercessions.'
'Katakanlah, "Bagi Allah kepunyaan syafaat (pengantaraan) kesemuanya. Kepunyaan-Nya kerajaan langit dan bumi; kemudian kepada-Nya kamu akan dikembalikan. [Bacaan, 39:44]
Believing (iktiqad) that there can be deliverance on the day of Judgement solely by the atonement and help of others is the main teaching and belief of Christianity. They believe that Jesus whom they call "the son of God" was born on this earth in human form and was crucified by his enemies on the cross to atone for the sins of the believers!
That is Christian belief as taught by the Church of all denominations, even if in their daily lives the Christian do not adhere to it. They work as hard as they can for success in this life: they hold on to their belief in 'atonement' only in the affairs of the hereafter. Islam teaches each follower to practice devotion, to work and strive (jihad) in the cause of religion for himself in whatever way he can if he wants to succeed in this world and in the hereafter. That is what is meant by self-reliance and not depending on the help of other people."
Moga-moga bermanfaat, Salam!
Terima kasih atas kiriman yang buat kami bangga kerana sekali lagi dapat mengabadikan di laman web ini buah fikiran seorang intelek bangsa bergelar Pendeta (scholar), yang kali ini mengharumkan sikap tidak bergantung pada pertolongan orang lain dalam hal agama, demi kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Allah disanjung!
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