Takwa - Makna
From: bovista
To: Pengurus Laman <e_bacaan@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:18:59 AM
Subject: TAQWASalam,
Saya ingin menarik perhatian tuan mengenai perkataan Taqwa di bawah kata akar W-Q-Y mengikut (dict of the holy quran page 618) dan Lanes Lexicon
WAQAYA = Waqaa =he protected Taqii = she protects
Yuqa = is preserved
Waqun = protector
Itaqa = Who guards against evil; who keeps his duty
Ittaquu = Guarded against evil
Ittaqaitunna = guard against evil
Tattaquuna – You are secure against evil and calamaties
Tattaquu = You are secured against evil and calamaties
Yattaqi = he should guard against evil and calamaties
Yattaquu = the guard against evil and calamaties
Yattaqii = Shield!; Protect!
Ittaqi = take as a shield
Ittaquu = Ye take as a shield
Ittaqaina = (f) take as shield
Muttaaaquun/muttaqiin = most dutiful and guarding against evils
Taqiyanun = One who carefully guarded against evil
Taqaatun = observing duty
Taqwaa = Protection; Warding off evil; Observing duty; abstainment; Observing the divine ordinance in every walk of life
Lanes Lexicon
Waw-Qaf-Ya = to protect, save, preserve, ward off, guard against evil and calamity, be secure, take as a shield, regard the duty. muttaqii - one who guard against evil and against that which harms and injures and is regardful of his duty towards human beings and God.
Waqaa (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing.): He protected etc.
Taqii (imp. 3rd. p. f. sing.): She protects.
Taqi (imp. 2nd. p. m. sing. f d.): Thou protect.
Qi (prt. m. sing.): Protect.
Quu (prt. m. plu.): Protect.
Yuuqa (pip. 3rd. p. m. sing. f. d.) : Is preserved.
Waaqun (for Waaqii): (act. pic. m. sing.): Protector.
Ittaqaa (prf. 3rd. p. f. sing. IV.) Who guards against evil; Who keeps his duty.
Ittaquu (prf. 3rd. p. m. plu. VIII.): Guarded against evils.
Ittaqaitunna (prf. 2nd. p. f. plu. VIII.): Ye (f) guard against evil.
Tattaquna (imp. 2nd. p. m. plu. VIII.): You are secure against evils and calamities.
Tattaquu (imp. 2nd. p. m. plu. VIII. n. d.): You are secure against evils and calamities.
Yattaqi (imp. 3rd. p.m. sing. VIII.): He-should guard against evils and calamities.
Yattaquu (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu. VIII. ): They guard against evils and calamites.
Yattaqii (imp. 2nd. m. sing. VIII.): Shield, Protect.
Ittaqi (prt. m. sing. VIII. ) : Take as a shield.
Ittaquu (prt. m. plu. VIII.): Ye take as a shield.
Ittaquuni (comb. Ittaquu+nii).
Ittaqaina (prt. f. plu. vb. VIII): Take as shield.
Muttaquun/Muttaqiin (acc./ plu. of Muttaqii): Atqaa (elative): Most dutiful and guarding against evils.
Taqiyyann (act. plc. m. sing. acc.): One who carefully guarded against evils.
Taqaatun (v. n.): Observing duty.
Taqwaa (n.): Protection; Warding off evil; Observing duty; Abstinent; Observing the Divine ordinances in every walk of life.
waqa vb. (1) perf. act. 40:45, 44:56, 52:18, 52:27, 76:11
impf. act. 16:81, 16:81, 40:9
impv. 2:201, 3:16, 3:191, 40:7, 40:9, 66:6
impf. pass. 59:9, 64:16
pcple. act. 13:34, 13:37, 40:21taqiy n.m. (adj. comp. atqa) 19:13, 19:18, 19:63, 49:13, 92:17
taqwa n.f. 2:197, 2:237, 5:2, 5:8, 7:26, 9:108, 9:109, 20:132, 22:32, 22:37, 47:17, 48:26, 49:3, 58:9, 74:56, 91:8, 96:12
tuqat n.f. 3:28, 3:102
ittaqa vb. (8)
perf. act. 2:103, 2:189, 2:203, 2:212, 3:15, 3:76, 3:172, 3:198, 4:77, 5:65, 5:93, 5:93, 5:93, 7:35, 7:96, 7:201, 12:109, 13:35, 16:30, 16:128, 19:72, 33:32, 39:20, 39:61, 39:73, 53:32, 92:5
impf. act. 2:21, 2:63, 2:179, 2:183, 2:187, 2:224, 2:282, 2:283, 3:28, 3:120, 3:125, 3:179, 3:186, 4:9, 4:128, 4:129, 6:32, 6:51, 6:69, 6:69, 6:153, 7:63, 7:65, 7:156, 7:164, 7:169, 7:171, 8:29, 8:56, 9:115, 10:6, 10:31, 10:63, 12:57, 12:90, 16:52, 20:113, 23:23, 23:32, 23:87, 24:52, 26:11, 26:106, 26:124, 26:142, 26:161, 26:177, 27:53, 37:124, 39:24, 39:28, 41:18, 47:36, 65:2, 65:4, 65:5, 73:17
impv. 2:24, 2:41, 2:48, 2:123, 2:189, 2:194, 2:196, 2:197, 2:203, 2:206, 2:223, 2:231, 2:233, 2:278, 2:281, 2:282, 3:50, 3:102, 3:123, 3:130, 3:131, 3:200, 4:1, 4:1, 4:131, 5:2, 5:4, 5:7, 5:8, 5:11, 5:35, 5:57, 5:88, 5:96, 5:100, 5:108, 5:112, 6:72, 6:155, 8:1, 8:25, 8:69, 9:119, 11:78, 15:69, 16:2, 22:1, 23:52, 26:108, 26:110, 26:126, 26:131, 26:132, 26:144, 26:150, 26:163, 26:179, 26:184, 29:16, 30:31, 31:33, 33:1, 33:37, 33:55, 33:70, 36:45, 39:10, 39:16, 43:63, 49:1, 49:10, 49:12, 57:28, 58:9, 59:7, 59:18, 59:18, 60:11, 64:16, 65:1, 65:10, 71:3
pcple. act. 2:2, 2:66, 2:177, 2:180, 2:194, 2:241, 3:76, 3:115, 3:133, 3:138, 5:27, 5:46, 7:128, 8:34, 9:4, 9:7, 9:36, 9:44, 9:123, 11:49, 13:35, 15:45, 16:30, 16:31, 19:85, 19:97, 21:48, 24:34, 25:15, 25:74, 26:90, 28:83, 38:28, 38:49, 39:33, 39:57, 43:35, 43:67, 44:51, 45:19, 47:15, 50:13, 51:15, 52:17, 54:54, 68:34, 69:48, 77:41, 78:31Lane's Lexicon, Volume 8, pages: 313
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