"... that you fast is better for you if you know." (2:184)
From: jamal
To: <e_bacaan@yahoo.com>
Subject: Guardian Unlimited: Starvation can trigger longer life
Date: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:31 PM
Jamal spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should .....
Starvation can trigger longer life
Alok Jha
Thursday March 03 2005
The Guardian
Scientists are closer to understanding how starvation can, paradoxically, extend lifespan.In a paper published today in Nature, Pere Puigserver, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, showed that a gene linked to ageing in mice is switched on during starvation to maintain a balanced level of glucose in the animal's blood.
"Caloric restriction causes many changes in glucose metabolism and extends lifespan; however, how this metabolism is connected to the ageing process is largely unknown," it said.
Puigserver's team studied a mammal protein, SIRT1. The equivalent version in yeast and worms is known to delay ageing when food intake is severely restricted.
The research showed that fasting triggers production of SIRT1 in the liver of mice. This starts a chain reaction leading to the eventual production of glucose in the blood. This keeps the animal alive while also delaying ageing.
Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited
Thank you Brother Jamal. Hence, the Truth about fasting has become clearer
to us.
10th March 2005
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